A modest performance video and a new single!

Howdy doody friends! 

Thank you for logging in and downloading the latest single: "You Might Have Been." For my first music video (It ain't Hollywood! But, it ain't too shabby.), click here to watch:  https://youtu.be/Tq0iDuqLbyI   

Please share this link and my website www.chriserinmusic.com with friends and family. The more the merrier. When they log in, they too can always download the latest single for free.

Do you find it hard to believe that we are more than halfway through this very strange year? Wow!  Hope this brief note finds you and yours healthy, safe, and returning to whatever your normal IS right now.  

With no travel opportunities foreseeable for me this year, I've focused on writing, music, shining up my website a bit, honing old skills like teaching, and new skills like video creation.  Best wishes, enjoy! 

Chris Erin 

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